Thursday, 3 March 2011

Importing Skeletal meshes with Animations into UDK (Test)

To create cutscenes in UDK im going to need Skeletal meshes and animatrions. These meshes will be animated and act out the scenes. This is how the narrative could be told.

First I created a basic block and then skinnd it to two bones. Using the bones and the animation feature of max I created a basic animation of the box turning. Here it is at frame 0.

Here is the box at frame 30. This is a basic animation I created to see if I can import it to UDK successfully.

I used a max plugin called Ator X (which was downloaded from the udn website) to export the skeletal mesh as a PSK file and the animation as a PSA file. The PSK file could be easliy imported into UDK as a skeletal mesh. The PSA file couldn't be imported the same way. I had to create an AnimeSet in UDK first and then import the PSA file into that.

Here is the skeletal mesh in the Animeset editor. Animation sequences can be viewed in this editor. here is the mesh at the beginning of the animation sequence.

Here is the mesh at the end of the animation sequence. The protoype worked, the skeletal mesh and the animation sequence was imported into UDK successfully.

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